Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Beaches are a trope.
Movie scenes. Advertisments. Destinations.
People play out a version, then others mimic, then fit in.
Where the hell do I get a tide chart around here? Googling.
Heavy 25foot fibreglass boats are hauled up above the tideline. beached beside a public clear through. Motors must be hauled up to a street and into a truck. No oars. No oarlocks. Sometimes a tangle of net.
I beach walked north for an hour and finally found evidence of tide. Low tide on the rise. Lowtide beach walks are easier but I'd begun to wonder if there was any subsurface terrain or if Banduras was a gigantic Pacific bowl.
The Pacific on-shore breeze was lusciously steady.  No sailboats.  One street in, though, and you would never know the wind existed.

The waterfront real estate is locked tight mostly.  In the village you can partake a beach bar or restaurant, and their tables and chairs. North and south of the village, condos, some a few stories up, and villas and hotels protect their beachfront.

But the local people have clearthrough where the storm drains are needed to allow water overflows back to the sea.  Many of these access spots, some kilometers apart, others only a few hundred meters apart, are urban park like with stairs and garden walls to sit on and families eating oysters and barbecue, and children running, and musicians playing.  I have found most of the clear throughs north and south.  It is reasonable.

The  beach vendors are not pushy.  Tonight there was a fire juggler.  Nobody clapped.

My beach behavior has never changed.  I pick up little colourful shells, glass, stones and such.  I saw a stingray - a dead one, and a lovely leaf-like insect in the shape of a 5inch long grasshopper. Saltwater preserved.  There is a troupe of five brown pelicans in the mornings, playfully skimming the swells, like magic, and a family of shore birds that let you get only so close.  I saw a small black and white gull today.  I have not brought my birdbook.
Lowest tide in the morning.  Ideal.  I'm on it.
~~n Post#12 Day7/75

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