Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Lost Day

I bussed it to PVR.  It is the old system and the busses are packed. There is lots of real estate construction, the closer you get to PV.  Infrastructure? Not so much. Rumours of the area include, the highway from Guadalajara will reduce their travel time to the beach by half (5 hours down to 2.5) and also, that there is a Cirque de Soleil coming to Bucerias.  Those two updates will change the town, most agree.  Other seem not to worry.
I lugged my bag onto the bus and in the process of swinging it up onto my lap (luckily I had a seat near the front) I hammered the fleshy part of my right thigh with its hard plastic wheely corner.  A map of Ireland in purple and yellow is in the process of declaring itself there. Or maybe it will be Australia again, this time. Thanks be to fasionistas for black tights.
This will be a long day. I arrive in LAX about 5 and depart there for Seoul about 11. It is a 13 hour flight.  I guess it is further from LA than from Vanc. The interesting thing is that I leave North America on the 12th and arrive in Asia on the 14th, at dawn, again.  I am moving with time.  Warping forward into tomorrow, which is the natural thing to do, but in a blink?
Since I don't think there will be any molecular effect on my being, this has me believing that  time, like money, is merely a construct to represent, for the former, aging, and for the later, worth.
That's Where My Money Goes, To Buy My Babys' Clothes. 
Then, As Time Goes By, 
Is That All There Is?
My return, though, will be by sea, so I go backward in time 24 hours.  A true Ground Hog Day. How can that blink one way, then a full day, the other, not have a physical manifestion? People are all over hating the SpringFWD FallBACK.  The way I see it, .... no... I don't get it.
My intention is to sleep on the Pacific crossing, so I will not likely be awake enough to percieve a tiny time warp in the atoms of my aging cells.
Mentally, I am now prepared and locked into the idea that if I thought Mexico was crowded and chaotic, I ain't seen nothing yet. I expect Seoul to be fast moving and tightly quartered.  I will move slowly and let the waves of humanity pass me from behind. I guess I will still be my annoying self. Attitude check.
Rather, I will be a smooth stone in the river shallows and the water will glide past me on both sides leaving an eddie of my existence to face as I move forward, step by step.
~~n Post#18 Day14/75 (not qualfiying count to consider the IntlDateLine

p.s. I am posting images on Instagram nelly.mills