Thursday, March 14, 2019

Beautiful City

My friend, JiYeon drove me all around Seoul today. Well, actually it is only her section of Seoul, near Yaksu Station.  It is hilly! We are near the city centre, on the north side of the great Han River. We had a fabulous lunch meal BibibBap (beef rice and more) and SsamBap (pork rice lettuce wraps) Bap=rice.
We went to Seoul Forest, which is a large busy and developed urban park with dog walkers and joggers, a botanical garden and an arboretum of trees I could not identify. Nothing is in bud yet, but there is a long lane of cherry trees that will look fabulous in a few weeks.  It made me realize that I will witness spring in Korea, from bud through bloom.  It was a cool relief here after Mexico and the fine dust was not a problem.  Lots of people are wearing masks, and I have some with me, but today was low risk and lovely.  The city is clean and organized with a full range of architecture.  There are a few tall apartment needles being built and recently finished, and lots of traditional large blocks, as we'd expect, but the commercial drives could be London, or Glasgow, or Montreal (except the streets are wider here), or even Barcellona because there are smaller streets within outer boundaries of the big thoroughfares. The traffic is uber urban but not chaotic. (I wasn't driving). We went for coffee.  Went to a large grocery market - indoors - like walmart meets whole foods meets bestbuy. Parking is organized and free with receipts.
I landed in Seoul on the biggest airplane on the planet - a Korean Air(bus) - A380-800! Fab - Fresh orange juice, comfort, even in the cheap seats, elegent service.  Lovely airline. After landing, I bought a Korean Transit card with the cute KakaoTalk Friend《edit: NOT pokemon!》 - and didn't need it - then eventually found the cash machine and bought my ticket (cash only ticket machine!) to Seoul Station by train (photo on IG).  When I got there I bought my SIM card and have spent the day unlocking my Rogers phone so I can use it - good Chat Tech Support by Rogers, plus one free day of roaming from them.  Credit where credit is due.
The plan was for JiYeon to meet me at Seoul Station, so I thought the SIM card would help her find me and miraculously she did, while I was fumbling in a corner trying to get online.
I am in her lovely apartment. She purchased an authentic Korean yoga mat for me.  It will be my precious souvenir from this trip.  Her students laughed when she told them her Canadian friend wanted a Korean yoga mat, when I could get a LuLuLemon one from Canada.  I love my mat. It will last me a life time.
I am tired and grubby after a long haul from Bucerias to Seoul.  Ondol floor, warm bed.
I am so very grateful for this amazing greeting and generocity.  I could weep. But the well of gratitude turns to a smile of joy, for good health and lovely people, planet wide.
~~n Post#18 Day15/75 (already20%)
p.s. no post March 13 which did no exist for me.


  1. Please post picture and description of Korean yoga mat. How does it smell? Namaste 🙏 Nancy

  2. The GANESHA YogaProps mat is the best mat I have ever used. It is rather heavy but so grippy! The instructions say off-gassing can take up to 30 days but already, I smell-not that new car odour. I am keeping it unrolled anyway. I will email you a snapshot. ♡ The mat also includes a cute Ganesha cardboard cutout ornament kit. Touching.
