Friday, March 29, 2019

Canola Bliss

Canola Flower Cupcakes
Oh my! Trade wars no less! To me, it was mustard, then rape, and now canola, and no, never sexy, never special. But certainly, it has become an economic force for Manitoba (and other) farmers, and a controversial crop, what with its round-up readiness and gmo kind of way.
I was forwarned by one of my Korean friends, that because of my timing on Jeju Island, I might miss the intensity of the Cherry Blossom season that is so huge in the southern penninsula, but to not fear, the Canola is beautiful on Jeju.
"You will see it!" he promised, "It is lovely,"
I jerked my head back and looked at him to see if I'd heard correctly, "Canola? Are you kidding me?"
Essential Oil of Canola Honey
Nope. He wasn't kidding.

What I see here by roadsides and in modest empty lots, is beauty to these islanders. What we would weed from our back lanes and corner lots, they enjoy, full force, beside thier blooming gazanias and calendula.
So, I have been taking some pictures, trying to see its beauty.  What I did not expect was cupcakes!
And essential oils, face creams and lip balms!
And these selling at premium prices because of their essense of Canola, and canola honey.

I think we need to get Wendell Estate Honey onto this, if they are not already (and they probably are).
I will confess that I walked past a field of it  this afternoon, and I did notice a sweet pleasant waft of its essense, very nice, especially since I'd just picked a cherry blossom and put it to my nose - and nada.

So here's to our lovely yellow fields, acres and acres of them that could attract hoards of Korean tourists who could "field bathe" in the flourescent yellow, then stop by the honey farm for some perfume and tea, somewhere near Roblin or Macnutt.
It really is a thing here.

~~n Post27 Day30/75
with Cherry
by the sea
meh. don't think so

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